Monday, May 7, 2012

Designer babies

In this article, it talks about designer babies and ethical considerations. The Oxford English Dictionary defined a designer baby as "a baby whose genetic make up has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics." Parents would want to modify their baby and would want to decide whether the baby would be shy or inherit diseases and change their athletic ability. There seems to have a good outcome of a designer baby but there are a lot more things to look at. This article looks at the ethical and moral problems of a designer baby and the risks of some technologies used.
(Photo: Matt Collins)

One way to make a designer baby begins with an embryo created in vitro fertilization (IVF). Genetic engineers modify the embryo's DNA and then introduces it into a womb. This is basically changing a gene the mother or father have to create something different. Farmers modify their plants so they can be resistant to pests or herbicides. Also they have tested mice to enhance their learning by adding a copy of a gene, NR2B. We have this gene in humans and it could be possible to do the same to us but there are safety concerns.

(Process of IVF)

A safety concern about the technology is that current techniques of genetic modification introduce genes at random places in the genome. We should be concerned about the copy of NR2B that could destroy another gene crucial for survival. Also many genes have more than one effect. If you want a gene it could really change the sensitivity of pain or cause something else to go wrong. After reading this, I thought that even if we take away or add a gene a negative outcome may still occur.

Another technology used is the Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). It is current used by some people at risk of passing serious genetic disorders on to their children. This technology is used today and does not use genetic modification but it isn't risk free. Since the technology has been used for under a decade it is too early to say much. But even though parents do not want to pass on diseases onto their children, it is hard to tell what else can happen and taking away that gene may cause more problems.

Another biotechnology is cloning. The nucleus of this cell is introduced into an egg cell whose nucleus has been removed and the resulting embryo is introduced into a womb. With cloning parents would not have a genetic connection with their children. If they take a gene from someone else then the parent and child may not be connected in a way. It is like adopting a child. When testing animal cloning, it was proven that it was risky and there are problems so humans may also suffer from damage inflicted by the process of nuclear transfer.

This article sides with how genetically modified babies are bad and it promotes different things like what the Nazis did. They wanted everyone to be the same and "perfect" in a way. Designing your own baby would make us lose our humanity. Also if we have a perfect life with no diseases and have no weakness' then future generations would have difficulty relating to those who are not perfect and go through more pain and suffering than they do. Also it is destroying what God gave us and it says we are ashamed of having this in my genes and i want it to disappear.

To me, modifying a baby seems like a great idea but there are a lot of risks and things to consider. This article allows people to read about designer babies and the technologies and techniques used to modify a baby. It states the risks and safety precautions and sometimes in the end, it is up to the parents. Some parents would rather modify their baby than create one naturally. The writer of this article is Nicholas Agar. He is a senior lecturer in the school of History, Philosophy, Political Science, and international Relations. It was written in April 2006 and is part of the American Institute of Biological Sciences. There are a lot of references for this article so it used a lot of information from other sources. This article is outdated since it was written in 2006 and it is now 2012. Technology has improved greatly over the years and more information on genetic modified babies could have been found. There may be less risks or more risks, or maybe they found another way to modify a baby. Nicholas is a lecturer and is not someone who does the research them self. It seems like it is all his own opinion and he sided with how designing a baby is bad. Also this could be less reliable for people looking into designer babies but this still gives you some information on it.


  • "Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations." (ActionBioscience). Web. 07 May 2012. <>.

  • "The Need to Regulate "Designer Babies": Scientific American." The Need to Regulate "Designer Babies": Scientific American. Web. 07 May 2012. <>.
  • "Infertility Blog & Information from Dr. Jeff Rakoff - Part 12." Infertility Blog & Information from Dr. Jeff Rakoff - Part 12. Web. 07 May 2012. <>.
  • HowStuffWorks. Web. 07 May 2012. <>.